National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
Chocolate covered raisins - a sneaky way to get kids eating dried fruit or a delicious movie treat? I don't think I've ever purchased a box of Raisinets at the theater or anywhere else, but I do enjoy the occasional chocolate covered raisin. They're also a great addition to trail mix.
I was surprised to read that they are the third largest selling candy in US History (wfsb). The fact made a bit more sense when considering Raisinets entered production in 1927. That gives them close to 90 years to accumulate candy sales.
These little guys are more nutritious than many other candy snacking options, so if you're looking for a bit of sweet today, they're a good option.
Logo Redesign Update
Amid other projects, I continue to work on my logo redesign. Once all of the colorful flowers were in place, it was time to fill in the border. For the top and bottom borders, I decided on little clusters of yellow buds and green stems/leaves. On each side of the logo, I added two yellow flowers with green accents.
Here's the completed design before I started to fill in the white background. I really like the way the flowers frame the text as well as the color choices.
Now, on to the tedious part. White yarn will cover the entire background. It's interesting to see how the details of each flower pop when the background is added.
My goal is to have the new logo banner up and running by April 3rd. To meet that goal, I'll need to work on the background for a couple hours each day, cut the plastic canvas to size, and then line the back with felt. Since the plastic canvas squares are small, this is a project that I can only work on a few hours at a time because it takes some pushing to get the needle and yarn through each plastic hole.